Seasons turning


We've been busy on the farm prepping for the season. Our greenhouse in Sunol is full and we have lots of baby plants awaiting their turn to get in the ground. I'm hoping to plant later today! We've been harvesting our fall planted crops: godetia, campanula, strawflower, ranunculus, anemones, among others. I've managed to steal a bit of time away from work to dance, hike, cook and hang with friends. My 37th birthday came and went. I celebrated in the snow and reflected on the past year. I'm hoping things are turning a corner and that we will soon be able to gather again. I can't believe I'm heading into my 7th growing season with Bluma! I have lots of new things in the works too. And my current farm goal/ personal goal is to take some time off this summer.

I am still hoping we get more rain but it's not looking so good. I've heard stories from other farmers that they've reduced their acreage because of lack of water, some even trying to move their farming operations because of water issues. As I talk with farmers and friends about water, climate change and other things going on at home and around the world I try to remind myself of the little things I can do to create change and remind myself of what I am doing- growing flowers, providing habitat for insects, providing beauty to all of you, working in the soil, working with a great crew, and now- offering plant starts! I am so excited to offer our plant starts for sale so you can grow your own. I will offer smaller kits and I"ll send an email when I have that figured out too. Hope you all are doing well, and that you are getting excited about the flowers and growing your own this year.

Thanks all!
Reach out with your thoughts, questions, words of encouragement etc.



Time to plant a garden


edible flowers and herbs